About the book

This unique crime anthology tracks the grand times and grand crimes that span the first 100 years since Beverly Hills grew into the city we know it as today, a glitzy-rich tourist mecca. Co-written by Clark Fogg, the lead CSI investigator for the Beverly Hills police department and Barbara Schroeder, Emmy-award winning journalist, this book is “A rip-roaring read,” documenting not only long forgotten scandals and crimes, like the Greystone mansion murders, but also those in recent years, like the killing of Hollywood publicist Ronni Chasen.  *Order now at Barnes&Noble, Amazon.com and Angel City press. http://www.angelcitypress.com/bhco.html

1 thought on “About the book”

  1. Fascinating and such a fab read. Thanks so much. I am researching crimes for my short story (fiction) set in the 1940s Hollywood Movie scene and reading this has given me a flavour of the times. Great stuff. Much appreciated. What a time to live!

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